We made a finger puppet. There wasn't much for the kiddos to do on this project besides pick out the eyes because I hot glued everything on. They did enjoy flying around the classroom though.
What you need:
black knit glove
black felt
googly eyes
hot glue and glue gun
What to do:
I cut a finger off of the glove for each kiddo. Then cut wings out of the felt. I think I'll have my fours do the cutting tomorrow. Then I glued it all together. Fast and cheap! I think it would be really cute to use white gloves and make ghost puppets!
Our second bat project of the day was these cute TP bats.
What you need:
tp roll per kiddo
googly eyes
brown construction paper
hole punch
What to do:
Have your kiddo glue on the eyes and wings (they can cut them out or you based on their skill. My fours will cut out their wings tomorrow). They can draw a face or other features. Then punch a hole and hang them up!
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