I saw this cute idea on this blog: Here!
Milk Cap Snake - So fun to make and to play with!
I punched a hole in milk caps and the kiddos laced on old shoelaces.

I saw this great idea on this blog: Here!
Ss Clothing - Silly Ms. Sara is wearing her Superman shirt - but in her case it's her super silly Ms. Sara shirt!
Free Play - Snow Storm! - Ms. Sara got a bit silly today and created a snow storm in the classroom!

Snowflakes - The kiddos greatly enjoy adding color to these lovely snowflakes today. They were also making plans to decorate for Christmas.

Envelope Sharks - These turned out super cute! A few of the kiddos made a family worth of sharks. We fed them goldfish crackers.

I love this shark, the kiddo's placement of the gills makes the shark look so very concerned. Ha! And it was fun to feed our sharks and ourselves goldfish.

Backyard - Washing - It has been fun to wash all the backyard toys...spring clean up. Ha!
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