Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ii Week and a bit more St. Patty stuff

Leprechaun Traps - They worked!  Well, sort of.  Our Leprechaun visited the preschool and left us some gold and goodies, but we didn't actually trap one.  That's ok!

Our little Leprechaun tied a bit of string on the door of each of the kiddo's "traps" and he left us some footprints as well!  The strings led to a surprise...
... The Leprechaun's strings took the kiddos all over the preschool!  
He also sprinkled gold...

Our Leprechaun left each kiddo a bag of his favorite cereal:  Lucky Charm's!!

And he left us Leprechaun poop?  (green M&M's)

Circle Time - Oh no!  The Leprechaun messed up the numbers on our calendar!  How naughty of him.  The kiddos were able to put them back in order in no time.  Shwooo!

Leprechaun String Wrap - The boys were way into the process of wrapping up their Leprechaun string so they could take it home.  We had to work on the coordination and the idea of starting at one end of the string and following it through (instead of starting in the morning).

Welcome to an interesting Ii week!

Injury - Oh no!  The kiddos got a few injuries (fancy word for ouch).   Good thing Ms. Sara had a ton of band-aids! - During free play the kiddos could choose if they wanted to have their hand or foot traced.  Or have Ms. Sara draw a slightly silly person.
I saw this great idea on this blog:  Here!

Ii Clothing - Insect Jacket - So cool, this kiddo had on his insect jacket during Ii week!  Another kiddos was so excited to find she had a shirt with the letter I on it.  And then Ms. Sara wore ice cream socks!

Journals - Ice Cream - Getting excited about snack time, we got to glue these cute ice cream cones (dollar bin at Michael's) into our journals today.  The kids were "licking" them.

Spring - Popcorn Trees -  The kiddos added spring blossoms (popcorn) to their bare tree trunks and munched some of the blossoms too.  The kiddos also added green to their spring pictures.

Snack - Ice Cream - Oh yum!

Ii is for Ice Cream - The kiddos did a great job cutting parts for their cones.
Here are the youngster's ...

Here are the preschooler's... 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Learning Station - Insect Alphabet

The kiddos put their insect letters in the correct order.  They checked with the alphabet on the wall if they got a bit stuck.

Youngsters (3 year olds) - The kiddos found alphabet insects all over Ms. Sara!  They plucked them off and matched them with the Abc puzzle.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Hh Week and some St. Patty Day stuff

Happy Happy Hh week!

Hot Cocoa - How fortuitous that we would be playing in the snow and want hot cocoa on Hh week!

Clean Up - Helping Hands - The kids helped each other clean up!  Actually, they do this quite often, and I love it!  It just really fits on Hh week!

Helping Hands - We talked about the many ways we can use our hands for helping and how that makes us feel HAPPY!

Hh Clothing - Hat!

Hh Clothing - Heart sweater and Ms. Sara wore her hot dog shirt!

Front Yard - Our poor snow mound is all soft and melty...  But the kiddos enjoyed climbing on it, then they played spy.

Snack - Hot Dogs - One of Ms. Sara's favorites!

Hh Horse - The kiddos did a great job of transforming their big H into a lovely horse.

Hair Cut - Toddlers - (The older kiddos did this for a learning station.)  The kiddos drew a face, then got to give their little guy a hair cut!  We did talk about how we only cut paper, not real hair.


Fingernail Painting - Painting our nails green for St. Patty's tomorrow. 

Hamburger Cookies - The kids were a bit leery about my idea until they saw the ingredients.  Then they were full on excited.  They were pretty tasty too!
I saw this cute idea on this blog:  Here!

Building a Leprechaun Trap - The kiddos let their imaginations work as they created an enticing habitat for a Leprechaun to maybe visit.  We will have to wait until Monday to see if any Leprechauns visited the preschool.

Kiddo:  "I'm going to be rich!  Then I'm going to Build-A-Bear!"
Kiddo:  "My trick is going to be perfect!"  She was creating a trap door on the top of her trap.