Walk the Lines - Just a bit of silliness.
Letter Writing - The kiddos wrote letters to each other, then we took them out to the mailbox for our postman to pick up!

Ll Clothing - Lines - A hat and a dress!

Doily Lions - The kiddos created very cute lions!

All done! I just need to roll the lollipop sticks in them...
Paper Plate Lollipops - Youngsters - Once they dried we added a swirl on them. We also ate a lollipop after we finished painting.
True Confession - Ms. Sara LOVES the Olympics. So we spent Friday celebrating the start of the winter Olympics.
Circle Time - I showed the kiddos on the globe where the Winter Olympics are this year.
Journal Time - The kiddos colored in the Olympic Rings. There are 5 rings, symbolizing the 5 continents that compete and including the colors from all the flags.

A few comments from the kiddos as they watched:
Figure skating:
"It's called ice skating, but Ms. Sara calls it figure skating."
"Wow! He just threw her in the air!!"
Snowboard Halfpipe:
"He was holding onto the board..."
"...and flipping!!" "I like the guy from Norway!"
"Wow, wow, wow! I'm the biggest fan of this!"
"Go, go, go, go ... don't crash!"
Snack - Cheeto Torch - Before we knew it, the clock said 11:00 and we hadn't done any of our Olympic projects or activities yet! Yikes!
Figure Skating - Wax Paper - The kiddos had a blast skating around the classroom, especially after having watched figure skating.

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