MINI CHRISTMAS TREES - Look what Ms. Sara found at the dollar store! So darn cute! The kiddos are super jazzed to decorate these all week! (Ms. Sara's jazzed to.)
Doily Trees - The kiddos decorated these lovely, dainty trees today.

I saw this great idea on this blog: Here!
Mini Gingys - Target - Thank you Target dollar spot for these adorable gingys! The kiddos colored them, we added a ribbon and hung them on their mini trees.
Wrapping Gifts - One of the kiddos has been diligently bringing in tp rolls since the beginning of school. I have been saving them because they weren't very sturdy. Today I found a great use for them...wrapping our rocks!
For sibling gifts this year, I had the kiddos use paint markers on rocks. They decorated them and then I was going to glue googley eyes on the rocks. But interestingly, none of the kiddos wanted eyes. So for gifts we just did decorated rocks.
Our Class Tree - Looking better each day!
Mini Trees - Decorating - The kiddos added ornaments and sparkly garland to their trees this morning.

Gingerbread Men Cookies - Decorating - After a quick snack (we were too excited) we frosted and bedazzled our cookies! Oh, and ate a lot of the toppings.

Mini Tree - Decorating Again - We added a star today and a few snowflake ornaments. These little trees have been so fun.
Clothes Pin Scene - These are a new favorite of mine! We added a few little friends to our clip to help decorate the little tree. The clip can be clipped to the Christmas tree or anywhere else you might want a winter scene displayed.

The mini bristle cone pine trees I found at Hobby Lobby and the mini winter erasers I found in the dollar spot at Target.
Pine Cone Painting - In preparation for a craft on Monday, we painted pine cones today.
Taking Our Mini Trees Home - Yipee! The day finally arrived that the kiddos could take their own special tree home.
Christmas Journals -

Christmas Bingo - A kiddo brought this fabulous bingo game to share today for our party.
Clothes Pin Felt Trees - The kiddos decorated the felt triangles, then I hot glued them to a clothes pin. They can pin them onto something or let them just stand up.
I got the idea for these trees on this blog: Here!
Parent Gifts - Plates - We made our traditional parent gift. Plates or bowls from the Dollar Store and Sharpie oil paint markers (the same ones we used on the rocks). The kiddos draw, I label on the back, then I bake them at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes.
Toddler Class:

Preschool Class:

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