Friday, April 28, 2017

Oo Week

Oh what a wonderful Oo week we are going to have!

Oo Clothing - Orange...
We decided these poka-dots were really colored in Oos.  Ha!

Circle Time - Octopus - We chatted a bit about octopuses and I showed them some fabulous pictures from National Geographic.  This picture shows a mamma octopus with her eggs.

Dyed Oatmeal - The kiddos quite enjoyed playing with this oatmeal today.  It got EVERYWHERE, but fortunately it vacuums up nicely.
At the end of class we got to take turns vacuuming up all the oatmeal.

Snack - Oo - Oranges & olives.  Orange:  carrots & cheez-its and shape:  bagels.  

Science - Octopus - We watched lots of videos of octopus antics.  That was pretty fun to see the way they move, camouflage, ink, get out of small things etc.

We also learned some octopus facts, such as:  they have 3 hearts, blue blood, no bones, a beak, 200-300 suckers on each arm, each sucker can move independently and it tastes!

We love the coconut octopus because of the way he carries the coconut shells with him as he "runs" along the ocean floor.
Mini Personal Ocean - Octopus - The kiddos put together their ocean...
We added a beautiful octopus and then we used some of our dyed oatmeal as the sand on the ocean floor.  We should have glued a few goldfish crackers on too!  Drat!
I saw this great idea on this blog:  Here!

Oo Clothing - Oh so fun to hunt out the letter Oo!  We found 2 Oo's on the Ninjago shirt and 3 Oo's on the Captain America shirt!

Oo Painting - We used lids of all sizes to stamp the letter Oo!  
I saw this nice, easy idea on this blog:  Here!

Science - Oatmeal Cookies - Oh yum!  Of course we added chocolate chips!

Pine Cone Owls - So cute!  Ha!  Since it's been raining for a while, all the pine cones in the yard are closed up.  So our owls are a little tightly wound.  The kiddos added cotton fluff for feathers.
Here are the preschooler's owls.  They look more fluff than pine cone.  Ha!
This kiddo wanted to add wings, so we pulled out some craft foam...

Egg Carton Stuffing - Toddlers - These kiddos were bummed that the egg cartons were no longer filled with Easter eggs, so I pulled out some cotton balls for them to stuff in.

Oo Clothing - Oh so fabulous!  Letter Oo, ovals, orange ...  This has been a fun week for clothing.  Bb was good too.

Finger Puppets - One of the kiddos who was absent last week when we made our finger puppet bats, was making hers today.  Other kiddos asked if they could make puppets with the extra glove fingers...Sure!  So they worked with craft foam to create some fun puppets.

Origami - Oh!  We had to do some paper folding during Oo week!

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