Eskimo Village - Cold - The kiddos checked out our Eskimo village. They particularly enjoyed fishing for the villagers. Apparently I need to make a basked to hold all the fish they catch and a fire to cook them over. The igloos didn't turn out quite right, I'll have to try them again.
I got the figurines and canoes from Target, they were ornaments I found on super clearance.
Games - Checkers - Connect 4 - Chutes and Ladders - There are so many Cc games!
Cookie Monster - Cookies and Cream Ice Cream - Oh yum! I found this easy recipe. The kiddos and I whipped it up (literally). We'll eat it on Wednesday after it's frozen. We did taste it and it was yummy!
We found this recipe quick, easy and tastey! It is a bit rich. Next time I'm going to try it with half and half instead of the heavy whipping cream. I got this easy recipe on this blog: Here!
Snack - Chicken Nuggets and Carrots - Yummy Cc snack!
Clothes Pin People - The kiddos created faces, then I stuck them on a clothes pin. These little guys can eat and yell and sing! Oh, and hold things too. I saw these on this blog: Here!

Catching Snowflakes - We were excited to get snow a bit this week.
Cereal Munching - The kiddos munched a bit while they worked on their journals.
Card Making - Kiddos enjoyed stamping cards today.
Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookies - On Monday I was asking the kiddos what cookies we should make ... silly me! This fabulous idea was came from one of the kiddos ... 4 Cs!
Cookie Making - Delicious work. I love how everyone must see the mixer at work! Ha!
Clocks - Telling Time - These kiddos are starting to get clocks figured out. I love this version with the lift up tabs for help learning the minutes.
For the Youngsters, I didn't do the lift the flap, and they painted theirs.
Egg Carton Volcanoes - When a few of the kiddos finished painting their clocks, they still wanted to work on something. So I grabbed some spare egg cartons and let them go. As they worked they began creating this fabulous dialogue about these volcanoes they were painting. It was wonderful.
Games - Colors - Twister - The kiddos enjoyed a limber game today....
Gluing Circles - Toddlers -
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Toddlers - During snack we watched the book video, then Ms. Sara glued each of the kiddos their own hungry caterpillar.
Cc is for Cat - Toddlers - The kiddos added all the needed features to their red cat.
Colors - Oil Pastels - I pulled these out to play with colors today. They are so vibrant and different to work with. We tried a bit of color mixing but mostly we just drew.
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