Gifts for the Kiddos -
I was excited to find the mini flashlights at Walmart for $1, the book I got with my Scholastic dollars, the bag I found in the dollar bins at Target in August. The bubbles were donated and the cup I found on super clearance at the end of summer. Each gift cost just $2.25. Cool beans!
Gift for the Parents - I took a head shot of each of the kiddos, then mounted it on a mini canvas. I got the canvases at Michaels, during one of their art supply sales.
The kiddos LOVED the mini canvases. I think it would be fun to make a class set of blocks like these for the kiddos to play with.
I wrote the kiddo's name and the date on the back and hot glued a twine for hanging.
Gifts for Siblings - Pine Cone Buddies - I always love to provide a gift that the kiddos can make for family members. The kiddos also make jingle necklaces again this year. They get so excited when they have gifts to give.
The kiddos wrapped the small pine cone (it's what we had in the yard) with fat yarn and picked out eyeballs. I hot glued the eyes on and made sure the yarn ends were glued down too.
Gift for their Parents - We do this every year. I find the plates at the dollar store. I have the kiddos think of what they would like to draw for their parents. When they are ready, they use Sharpie paint pens to draw. I write the kiddo's name and the year on the back as well as any explanation of their drawing they give. I also write "hand wash only". I bake them in the oven (30 minutes at 350 degrees F.).
Here are a few of this year's plates.
All of the classes do this project.
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