Circle Time - After reading our book, the kiddos shared what they know about robots: they are metal, they-talk-like-this (you know, monotone), they can be bad guys...
We talked about how robots are made to help people. Then we practiced talking like robots.
Robot Centers - Nuts and Bolts - and - Letter Sound Machine
we worked with our abc sound machine. It was suppose to say the name
or sound of the letter we placed on the machine, but sadly when we
pushed the button, the sound didn't work. So we had the make the noise
ourselves - ha!
To create the machine, I chose bits from my craft box. The button is a lid from a baby food jar, it makes a great noise when you press it and it dents in so it feel like you're doing something. I found this idea on this blog.
Bits and Pieces Robots - This
project was lots of fun. I gathered bits of this and that and set it
out. Then I encouraged the kiddos to create their own robot. They
worked at this for quite a bit of time. I enjoyed listening to them
explain their robots to each other.
Here are a few of the kiddo's creations...As the kiddos worked I reminded them that robots are built to help people. Then I asked them how their robots would help them:
"Mine will feed me ... all day."
"Mine has a wallet so he can buy things all the time ... CANDY."
"My robot can fly me around."
Marshmallow Robots - Mmmm so tasty! - The kiddos created robots using square s'more marshmallows, frosting, and cereal... We talked about adding buttons on their robots (cereal) and eyes and levers.

"Robot Command" - Today we started out camp with playing robot command. The kiddos took turns being the robot, while classmates called out commands (2 steps forward, bend down ...) to have them retrieve a particular item. Sometimes the directions sent the robot too far, or bumping into the wall to a chorus of giggles. But they enjoyed the game.
Moving Parts - Mr. Adam (my hubbie) had a VCR at work (U of U Physics) with the cover off so you could see it's moving parts. He brought it home to show the kiddos. I asked the kiddos if they knew what it was. Ha! Nope, a few did guess a DVD player. We plugged it in, pushed the tape in and watched the inner workings. It was cool!
Mr. Adam also found for us, a computer mother board. That was also neat to be able to touch the insides of a computer. We looked at all the little parts and felt everything.
Robot Vests - With electronics fresh in our minds, we decided to create robot vests. The kiddos worked a long time, gluing and arranging things just right for their robot costumes. The vest are drying, but you'll see them tomorrow.
Here are two of our vests, one being modeled, and one laying flat.
This book aided us in our discussion that robots help people. We talked about where helper robots might be used: space, exploring dangerous places (deep ocean, volcanoes, arctic), doctors...
Boxes - In theory we were going to create robots out of boxes, but instead the boxes quickly became cars or trains. Ha! That works too!
Robot Controller Boxes - I made controller boxes by covering soap boxes (dial soap comes in individual boxes) in duct tape. I added a cut off straw as a control stick.
kiddos added buttons to their boxes so they could control their
robots. Ha! They were making each other bump into walls or pick up
things. It was great!
Graham Cracker Robots - The kiddos frosted their graham crackers and added mini M&M buttons. Mmmm tasty robots!
A few other bits - The pencil sharpener, always a favorite. And paper snipping. So very entertaining. This kiddos was making paper soup.

Robot Puppets -
Learning Station - Domino Robots -
I set out dominoes on the tummies of these robots. The kiddos were to
count their buttons (the dots), then find the matching numeral and glue
it on.
Parents can continue this learning station at home. Just have the kiddos find a domino that matches the number on each robot. I caught this cute idea on this blog.
Robot Arms - These "arms" were a bit of packaging that I've been saving for this week. The kiddos had fun wearing them as robot arms and legs.
Bag Puppet - So
bummed to discover I got no pictures of the kiddo's puppets, they
turned out cute! But here's how they started, just aluminum foil and a
lunch sack...
Build a Robot - I
split the kiddos into older and youngers for this activity. Each kiddo
rolled the die and then added that part to their robot. Nico and
Jasmine were able to play this game on their own.