Circle Time - We chatted a bit about monsters and how they aren't real. Then we talked about how sometimes we feel scared and what we can do about that. Here are the kiddos suggestions: Turn on a light/nightlight, climb in bed with a sibling, sing a silly song, pray, go see mom or dad, roar!
Bread Tag Monsters - I love these little monsters! I hot glued googly eyes as requested, and the kiddos drew and created the monsters.
I've been saving these bread tags since we did this last year as well as swiping them from friends. Ha.
I got this fabulous idea from this blog. Check it out!
Snack Sillies - I found these fabulous monster mouths at the party store...
Monster Feet - Tissue boxes put to a wonderful use. It take a while to collect enough boxes, but it's worth it. The sponges are from the dollar store. I cut one sponge into a set of claws by cutting zig zags down the center. I hot glued the claws on and I did a couple of stripes of hot glue on the bottom of the boxes to help them not be quite as slippery.
Monster Finger Puppets - I made a bunch of finger puppets for the kiddos to decorate. Some kiddos did googly eyes, others did fabric paint.
they put on a finger play for us. They sang our song from circle
time: "8 little monsters jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped
his head ...." 
Big Green Monster - We've been reading this book in circle time, so we of course needed to create our own green monster.
"Don't Eat Pete!" - If
you haven't played this game, it's pretty silly. You load the game
board with one M&M on each monster, send a kiddo out of the room,
choose which monster is "Pete", invite the kiddo back in to begin
randomly eating M&Ms, then holler "Don't eat Pete!" when they go for
the M&M on "Pete". Quite fun, very loud and a little startling

I got this printable monster game board (above) on this awesome blog.
Lid Monsters - The kiddos created monsters on/out of various lids.

Ants! - The kiddos were excited to find their first ant this afternoon!
Origami Monsters - I folded a bunch of these and then put out items for the kiddos to create monsters with. I like these monsters because they'll "eat" things. The blog I found directions on: here.
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