Nature Walk - We grabbed our buckets and headed outside for a nature walk. The kiddos were to take a look at all the nature around them, find cool stuff and collect items for their nature mobile.

We found cool rocks and neat smelling bushes.
We were quite curious to find letters on the sidewalk. The kiddos told me what each of the letters were and I told them what word was. I told them that peace means, no fighting & be friends.
Nature Mobiles - The kiddos picked out 5 or so items for me to tie onto their mobile. They turned out great! I hope they weren't too tangled in their bags.
I just had each kiddos find a big stick. We tied, with yarn, all their treasures to it.
Spider! - Apparently when we brought in our nature treasures, we brought in a living treasure as well. We watched him for a bit, then I caught him and we took him back outside.

Earth Filter - We colored coffee filters blue and green to create Earths. Then we took them outside to spray them with water. Once our Earths were sprayed, we sprayed each other!
Snack - The kiddos got to peel their own Easter egg, slice it and eat it! They thought that was pretty awesome.
Happy Earth & Sad Earth - We chatted about different things we do that makes our Earth happy or sad. Some
of our ideas were throwing our trash in a bin versus littering,
cleaning up our toys from the yard, playing outside instead of watching
tons of tv or video games, recycling items...
Shaving Cream Rain -
Another cool idea I found online. I squirted shaving cream (clouds) in
the top of a glass of water then dripped "rain" (food coloring) on the
clouds. Our first attempt we had way too thick of clouds and the rain
couldn't get through.
So I scooped some of the clouds off and we tried worked!Blown Trees - The kiddos blew watered down paint across their paper with a straw to create a tree trunk and branches. Once they dried we added fingerprint leaves.
Here we are adding leaves....

Water Beads - As I was looking around the Dollar Store for supplies, I came across water beads. We started "growing" them today...
The beads plumped up quickly! We are excited to see how big they will be tomorrow!
Water Beads - Next Day - Look how much our water beads grew since yesterday! Now we're going to let them dry out over the weekend and see if they get back to their beginning size.
Cotton Ball Clouds - Science Experiment - We chatted again about clouds and how they carry water and when they get too heavy with it, they rain! So we stuck cotton balls in water to soak it up, then they "rained" (squeezed the cotton balls) into these little cups. I saw this idea on this blog.

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