Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Nail Polish - I pulled out some green nail polish, just in case any of the kiddos might want green nails, many did!
Green Hunt - I had the kiddos hunt through out the preschool for anything green. I meant for them to find toys (left) but they also found the shamrocks I hid (right).

Following the Rainbow to Gold! - A leprechaun left us a rainbow trail to follow to his pot of gold!
Along the trail we had to stop and do some tricks...

Here it is! The pot of gold! But what's inside?.... Popcorn!

The kiddos loved this hunt. Some of them did it over again.
One kiddo thought the wreath made a great hat. It did fit rather nicely.
Spoon Leprechauns - I saw these online (on this blog)and they just cracked me up, so we had to make them.
I told the kiddos that these leprechauns can be a bit tricky, and they like to hide. Here is my leprechaun hiding outside on the porch. We'll see if the kiddos find him tomorrow.

Rainbow Cookies - I made the dough earlier this morning, then the kiddos got to squish in the different colors. I put equal parts of dough in 6 baggies, then we squirted food coloring in and squished and squished.

Once the colors were mixed, we rolled them into snakes and smooshed them together on the pan.
Our rainbow cookies turned out great and were super tasty. I cut them vertically so that each kiddo got every color of the rainbow.
3-D Rainbows - A bit more rainbow fun. This activity took a bit of agility, but once we got the hang of bending feet on our paper strips and gluing them down, we got more creative.
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