Candy Cane Play Dough - I LOVE homemade play dough. Today I just made two batches, one with red food coloring and red glitter and the other batch with opaque glitter and peppermint extract. Smells yummy!

Curly Bearded Santa - I love this activity! Here's how this year's batch turned o

I was taking a picture of each of their kiddos with their Santa, this kiddo insisted on keeping it in front of her face. She said she wanted to BE Santa! Ha! I also loved her cotton ball eyes!
C is for Cookie - This week we learned with the letter C. I dug out my old Sesame Street videos and found cookie monster singing, "C is for cookie that's good enough for me..."
Snack - The kiddos got to enjoy some cookies and we tried to munch them just right so as to create a C.
Snow Cave - My hubby created this in our front yard. It has just been a mound for the last week or so. Yesterday my hubby carved it out and the kiddos who have been waiting were soooo very excited to play in it.
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