Butter Making - I love this activity! So easy, so tasty, so much fun when the kiddos already have wiggles and love shaking it!
Farm set from Ikea - I have been eye-ing this farm set at Ikea every time I go, so this week was a great excuse to splurge and get it!
Farm Stamping Center - I dug through my stamps and found this set from Stampin' Up. The kiddos enjoyed stamping a farm scene...
Stamping a farm got them excited to explore the other stamps available in the art center.

Fuzzy Sheep - Super cute and easy. I rolled up the white paper and glued it on the grass patch. The kiddos added the "wool" cotton balls and eyes. I saw this idea on this blog.

This kiddo wanted a nose for their sheep, so they added a cotton ball. Ha ha!
Learning Station - Spots on a Cow - Tee hee, this one was a great counting activity. I ended up staying right with them while they worked because they each wanted to just paint the cow. But no, they were to roll the die, count the number of dots and then paint that many dots on their cow with their Q-tip paintbrush.
Feed the Chickens - This was a fun game. The kiddos worked in pairs, taking turns to roll the die, count the dots and then feed the chickens. When they feed the chickens, they give the chickens that many pieces of corn.
I got this idea from this blog.
Learning Station - Shoo Fly! This was a fun one. For the older kiddos, I put some letters that we have been working with out on the table on post-its. I called out the letter (fly) and the kiddos smacked it! I did colors with the younger kiddos.
Snack - We ate hay for snack. Ha ha! We had chatted about what cows and horses eat, so when I told the kiddos that's what we were eating, some were a bit worried. One kiddo who was with me last year shouted, "Your kidding us!" And I was of course! We ate frosted shredded wheat and cheese sticks (another great product from cows).
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